Friday, December 10, 2010

Falling in love again: a vegetable love story.

Okay, maybe that was a little overdramatic.

I have a confession. I have been a bad vegan. I haven't been eating enough veggies. I've been turning to pasta, pancakes, and french toast for sustenance lately. It's horrible, I know. I turn to carbs for comfort. Money troubles? Have some pancakes. Not dating? Pass the french toast. Life got ya down? Here's a loaf of sourdough bread. :D It makes me happy, but I don't feel nourished. At all. *lol* Bad vegan!

Last night, there was a show called The Veg Edge on the Cooking channel. It showcased vegetarian food around the country. Austin, NYC, Seattle, LA, and Portland. Portland made a great showing, I was so proud. It was so inspiring to see all the amazing dishes. It reminded me of how much I loved cooking, and of how wonderful vegetables are. I'm sure they'll re-air it throughout the month, I highly recommend everyone check it out. Here's a snippet:

Luckily, we already have a good amount of dried beans, pastas, russet potatoes, oats, rice, the basics on hand. I had $20 to spend on groceries today, most of which I spent on fresh vegetables. I got purple kale, mustard greens, carrots, onions, garlic, herbs, a turnip, a parsnip, scallions, radishes, and some small red potatoes. I'm going to make a bean & potato salad today, Mom is going to make a hearty soup this weekend, it's going to be glorious. It's a shame that it took a financial squeeze and a TV show to bring me back to healthier eating again, but in this case I think it's the end that matters, not the means. It's not expensive to eat healthily, you just have to put in a little time in the kitchen.

I even worked out last night. Finally.

I can't wait to get in the kitchen later today. :)

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