Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How do I end this extended vacation that I didn't want in the first place?

Through a series of unfortunate circumstances and undesirable events, I have basically been a "homemaker" for a little over 4 years now. Oddly enough, I never seem to have any free time, as there is always some sort of crisis happening that requires my attention. I've been a busy girl! Wrinkles are being ironed out, though, and it's time for me to regain some independence. In other words, I need a job.

What a miserable time to re-enter the workforce, eh?

I realize that the longer a person has been out of work, the less desirable he or she is to a potential employer. I've read that if you've been out of circulation for more than 6 months, many places won't even consider you. Apparently we get stale like old loaves of bread. In an attempt to sidestep this, I decided to aim really low. I've applied at a thrift shop, a pet supply store, and a convenience store.


I really don't want to have to apply at a fast food chain. I don't think I'd be able to stand the stench of cooked meat sinking into my pores. I may not have a choice, though. And even then, they may not want me either. Maybe I could clean motel rooms? How did my life trickle down to this sludge of an existence?

This much rejection can make a person feel absolutely worthless. I have to remember that this isn't personal. I know that there are people who had to submit hundreds of applications before they found something. I am by no means unique in this struggle. Empathy doesn't pay bills, though.

So I'm pressing on. I'm a drop in the sea of desperation, surging toward a solid shore, but always sliding back with the tide.

On a drive with my mom recently I made a joke that it's a shame that I don't have a nice enough body to be a stripper. Not 5 seconds later we passed a gentlemen's club with a sign that said "Now hiring dancers." Argh!

Something has to work out eventually, right? I mean, it has to. Doesn't it?

Just smile and nod. It'll make me feel a little better, at least.

1 comment:

  1. *smile and nod*

    There is .. some government thingie that some employers have that give them some kind of bonus if they hire people who have been out of work at least 60 days. I wish I could remember the name of it, I'll ask my boss if i think of it, but your best chance is to find them and apply there. Since the longer your outta work, the less chance you have of lying on that sheet of paper. its what i had to sign to get back in the work force.
