Once upon a time, yours truly wanted to be a blogging star. And then I didn't, so I stopped writing here. I did, however, continue to post on my Myspace blog. I'm vain enough to enjoy seeing how many blog views I get everyday. Recently, Myspace has made a lot of changes, all of which I absolutely hate. Hate! So from now on I'm going to post here. Let's all take a minute to say thanks to my laziness, as I meant to delete this blog, I just never got around to it. So... yay!
So what am I doing now? I'm taking a stab at being a romance writer! :D And it's horrible! D: On October 25th I started writing what was to become a 90,000 word novel. I then decided to scale it way down to a 15,000 word novella. It is now November 19th and I'm STILL not done with it. Almost, but not quite. What's the holdup? Pure, unbridled, raw, extensive terror, that's what. What if my writing isn't good enough? What if no one wants to buy my manuscripts? Maybe I should get a "real" job? I don't know. I'm inching along toward the finale of this story, though, and I will see it through. I will. I have ideas for other stories as well, it's not like I'm banking my entire future on 15,000 measly words. Still... rejection hurts. So does poverty. I should probably be working on that instead of writing this. Oh well!
Who cares about real life when Thanksgiving is right around the corner?! Not me!!!! Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite day of the year. It's better than Christmas. It's better than Superbowl Sunday. It's better than just about anything you could come up with. Think about it, it's so perfect. You wake up, have breakfast, and watch a parade! Then you either watch a dog show, football, or you get your ass in the kitchen and start cooking. Regardless of what choice you made, at some point you'll end up in the kitchen anyway, it's only a matter of time. And then... you eat the greatest meal ever. EVER. Then you have pie. Then you lie around in a gluttonous stupor, wondering both how and why you ate so much. Maybe you watch a movie after that, maybe you just pass out on the couch. And you'd better get to bed early, for the Christmas season is going to tackle you the moment you open your sleep-crusted eyes in the morning. Those strands of lights aren't gonna put themselves up, ya know!
Heaven, all in a 24 hour period.
I've been hardcore stressing over this year's dinner. Money is suffocatingly tight (I'm losing cell phone service next Wednesday, it's that bad), I didn't know how we'd manage it. Today I took all the money we had for groceries for this week and spent it all on the dinner. Yeah, I didn't buy anything to eat between now and next Thursday. Genius, I know. Other housemate will have to pick up a few things so we don't starve between now and then. All together, the cost of the meal is a little under $50. That's not bad for 3 people. I'm hoping it'll only be 3, but we might have a 4th person. I'd rather not have company, but whatever. Yes, I'm being ugly, but come on, we're gonna need those leftovers!
This year I'm making the pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce from scratch. No cans involved! I've already made the pumpkin puree, and I'll make both dishes the day before. I didn't bring my potato masher when we moved to Oregon, so I had to get a box of mashed potato flakes. The shame. But but but, we're making the sweet potatoes from scratch! That has to count for something. For the 3rd year in a row, the star of our meal will be a Tofurky roast. For some reason, many vegetarians are very anti-Tofurky, but I love it. LOVE. So we'll have the roast, mashed potatoes, gravy (I make my own), sweet potatoes, green beans, rolls, cranberry sauce, stuffing (*gag*), a relish assortment (olives & gerkins, basically), and... a homemade pumpkin pie. I even got soy whipped cream. Yummmmmmm.
Did I mention I'm a vegan? One vegan, one ovo vegetarian, and one omnivore. That's our household. If our possible guest brings some turkey I will be unfailingly kind and not scream at her. I promise. *crosses fingers behind back*
I'm happy today. Despite probable economic ruin, I am happy. While running errands this morning, the music on the radio was superb. It's a gray day, my favorite kind. I am going to have the Thanksgiving I want, and it MIGHT snow this weekend. And I'm blogging again. And I'm almost done with my story. Somehow things will be okay.
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