Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hiding from the boy next door, the tranny upstairs, and the cat across the room

Despite my habitual eye raping of the oblivious males in my general vicinity, I was shocked to learn that someone has been doing the same to me! Someone who lives in my building. Someone who lives right next door! Gah!!! A few weeks ago he told MrMissT, of all people, that he sees me when I take the dogs out and he thinks I'm sooo pretty and he likes my tattoos, and he wants to talk to me, but is afraid to. I have no idea what MrMissT said to this. I'm sure it was either, "Oh, she's great. So smart and nice, and she's an amazing cook!" -or- "Man, she is a vindictive psycho and I'm pretty sure she's plotting my demise as we speak. Steer clear of that one, before you wake up with your balls missing." Either way... *shrug*

I was flattered for about 8 minutes, but now I feel like I'm always being watched. I know he isn't waiting by the window for a glimpse of me, but I get paranoid. Thankfully, Romeo has yet to approach me, but I get super agitated when we're outside at the same time. I don't feel any vibe with this guy, and I'm not receptive to ANYONE right now, so I'm desperately hoping he never musters up the courage to say, "Hey there, sugar pants." Rejection is awful and I don't want to be the meanie here. Hopefully my mad dash scrambles back to the door aren't too obvious, but you never know. On the positive side, my sprint times are topnotch now!

A while back I wrote about how MrMissT is all up in my ish, and that's still the case. It's downright bizarre. I'm like some rare, exotic beetle trudging through the Amazon, and he's the obnoxious film crew that won't leave me alone. All that's missing is David Attenborough narrating everything. I swear, if he goes all Steve Irwin on me, I'm totally going to crush his windpipe. I'm really not all that interesting, I don't understand his fascination with every aspect of my life, and I wish it would come to an end.

Since Kittle's passing, our other male cat, Ti, has stepped (oozed) into his role as Top Cat. Only... he's a huge asshole now! He's really throwing his weight around with the other cats, and I don't like it. Squee is getting the brunt of it, and I'm about to invest in a water pistol because he starts drama with her ALL THE TIME. I've tried to get the dogs to interfere, but they just bark and chase Squee, which doesn't help. It's aggravating. Just today they were going at it and rolled into the knob for the base heater, turning it on and filling the apartment with that godawful stench of burning dust since we haven't used it in months. Argh! I don't know what to do with him. What a jerk!

And here I thought I was safe hiding in my apartment. Sheesh, if things are going to be this ridiculous on the homefront, I may as well go out!

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