Long story long: Early on in the 2007 NFL season I was watching a game and the announcers were talking about the star quarterback on the screen and they mentioned his height and weight. This man was a full foot taller than me and our weight was identical. And I didn't even care. A few months later I fell into a deep depression and had no appetite at all. I carried a small bag of trail mix around with me in case I had to nibble a bit to keep me from passing out. My appetite eventually came back, and I felt guilty about eating meat, since I'd been a vegetarian before, so I went veg again on January 1, 2008. I cut out eggs in October of that year. I walked a lot too, which helped. In May of 2009 we decided to move to Portland, which motivated me to really get in shape. I gradually increased both physical activity and attention to nutrition, until all traces of my humanity had vanished. I did yoga, weight training, kickboxing, and walking. As a side benefit, my kickboxing freaked out my step dad. One day I threw a punch as he walked by (UNINTENTIONALLY) and he jumped like five feet away, and after that always gave me a really wide berth. As for food, every day I made a chart. I wrote down every item that passed my lips (every drop of oil, every grain of salt), the calories they contained, calories from fat, total fat, saturated fat, sodium, total carbs, sugar, and protein. I looked up nutrition facts for fresh produce and anything that didn't have a label. I never added sugar to anything. At the end of each day I added up the numbers and studied the data to see what had worked well and what could be improved or eliminated. Yes, really. And I went vegan on December 4th of that year. By the time we left Florida on May 1, 2010, I was one hundred pounds lighter than I had been in 2007, and I was a MACHINE! Then we got here I didn't have a goal to work toward and everything went to shit and I gained like 20 pounds, and now I'm only about 10-12 pounds heavier than I was upon arriving. Not too bad, but I need to fix this.
Over the last year I've coyly flirted with fitness. The I-love-you-I-hate-you routine hasn't done me any favors. I am a lazy person unless I have a goal I'm determined to achieve. Then I found out about Krav Maga, and now I have a goal. I have to get in shape so that I can learn this! Why? Uh, because
But I'm tired. I don't wanna. I'm busy looking at stuff online. :/
Then I found a CrossFit video on Youtube. I wanna preface this by saying I'm not really interested in CrossFit, but there are some really motivating videos out there. As I lounged around, watching this, I felt a small stirring of desire to get up, but not enough to actually do so. That is, until the middle of the video, around 1:54 or so, and then I felt immensely guilty for my inactivity...
*blinks back tears* If a man with no hands and tiny little stumps for legs and a 65 year old woman can get their workouts in, then I have absolutely no excuse. At all. That does it.
I spent a few days agonizing over what protein powder I wanted to buy. I'm a believer in protein powders when you're training. Back when I was still doing dairy, I used Biochem's 100% whey protein powder, and not that I'd endorse animal-derived products now, but if you're looking for a good whey protein powder, that's it. I really liked it. But what about now? Biochem makes a vegan protein powder, and I hemmed and hawed between that and Life's Basics plant protein, but ended up purchasing...

...in double chocolate. It was the best deal for a soy-free mix, which is what I wanted. (Website!)
So I'm using Jamie Eason's Workout plan for three days a week, which I started today. Did my workout, had my shake, and I feel great! Actually, my arms feel liked cooked noodles and I know tomorrow I'm going to curse every move I have to make, but it's worth it. I'll rotate workouts every month to keep things fresh. I'll do cardio on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, and take Saturdays off. I started a food log, but it's not as insane as the previous one I kept. Yet. So that's the scheme. And it'll work! I'm gonna be all hot AND deadly. >:)
In semi-related news, you know how they always tell you that shopping the bulk bins at the grocery store saves you money? IT'S TRUE. I made a killing at the store today and only spent about $40. This day is just full of win.
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